EMD-S Fact Sheet                  
Airline Name  Emirates (EK)    
Implementation Date 30 Sep, 2014 10Nov, 2014    
 Description of fee RFIC RFISC Method Group EMD type ICW Refund Void Exchange
Miscellaneous Charges D 98J Manual SVC N/A EMD-S O Y Y Y
No Show Fees D 0NN Manual SVC N/A EMD-S O Y Y Y
Deposits Down Payments  D 997 Manual SVC N/A EMD-S N Y Y Y*
Penalty Fees  D 98F Manual SVC N/A EMD-S Y Y Y Y
Champagne I 01Y Manual SVC N/A EMD-S Y Y Y Y
Arabian Adventures EMD I 01L Manual SVC N/A EMD-S N Y Y Y
Emirates Holidays  EMD I 01J Manual SVC N/A EMD-S N Y Y Y
Refundable Balance - REFUNDABLE BALANCES D 996 Auto-generated N/A EMD-S Y Y N N
Name Change Fee D 0L7 Manual SVC N/A EMD-S O N N Y
*  Group Deposit Exchange only by EK Office
 * Effective 03Dec, 2014, EK supports Refundable Balance on Galileo (1G) and  Worldspan (1P). 
Refundable Balance becomes an option during the ET Exchange process which results in a refundable amount.  
SVC segment example (Auto-generated at time of RB EMD issuance - may not be manually entered): 
1/ The date in the manual SVC segment should be the date of AIR segment travel date 
2/ Codeshare flight is not supported
EMD cannot be issued against a codeshare flight segment
3/ EK does not allow any testing on EMD.  If Travelport offices are testing with IATA code 9999999, EK will reject with error : "ERC-063-INVALID FORM CODE” 
4/ EK only accepts EK own ticket number at the ICW field.  If other airline ticket number is entered,   error of “ERB-AIRLINE UNABLE TO PROCESS EMD REQUEST” will be returned.

Miscellaneous Charges D/98J
1.  MISC Charges EMD  will be issued in SUSP (Suspend)  status. Agent is required to contact EK local office to open the status in order for Refund/Void/Exchange transactions.
2.  MISC Service - D-98J type of EMD can be only used for services for which a specific RFIC is not available. 
3 . It is mandatory for Agents to add reason for issuance in the Endorsement field.
For Example: If MISC type EMD is issued for Marhaba service, the Endorsement area should show the reason for issuance as “EMD issued for Marhaba Services Collection”.
4.  MISC EMD can be issued for the following services until the specific RFIC is available:

. Marhaba Services Collection
. Marhaba Lounge For Four Hours
. Marhaba Lounge For Four Hours - Family Meet and Greet
No Show Fees D/0NN
1. Agent creates new PNR or update the existing PNR with the new flight segment.
2.  No Show Fees EMD will be issued in FLOWN/USED status. Agent is required to contact EK local office  to open the coupon status for  Refund/exchange and voiding within the time frame operation.
Group Deposits  D/997
Group Deposit EMD can be issued againist Corporate Group Name or Individual passenger name of  the Group PNR .
For the Corporate Group Name, it is required to create the name without slash and spacing.
  1G:      > N.G/20HAPPYTOURS
  1V:      > N:C/20HAPPYTOURS
  1P:      > -C/20HAPPYTOURS 
Following are the entries to create SVC segment issued against the Corporate group name.
1. Group Deposit EMD can be issued only when the flight segment of the Group PNR is confirmed. 
2. Group Deposit EMD can be issued either on the active Group PNR or Passive PNR with EK RLOC. 
To add the EK RLOC into the Passive PNR.  Please use the following entries:
3. Tour Code can be entered into the Endorsement field during EMD issuance.
For Example: EMDI/SM3/ER-TC5516509
4.  Group Desposit EMD will be issued in SUSP (Suspend) status. Agent is required to contact EK local office to open the status for Refund/Void/Exchange transactions
5.  Once the tickets are issued for the group, Group Deposit (EMD-S) can be refunded after local EK office reverses EMD status to Open from Suspend.
6. Group Deposit EMDs cannot be used as FOP towards any other type of Service. EMD can only be Refunded or Voided
Penalty Fees D/98F
1. Agent creates new PNR or update the existing PNR with the new flight segment for EMD issuance.
2.  Penalty Fees EMD will be issued in FLOWN/USED status. Agent is required to contact EK local office  to open the coupon status for  Refund/Exchange and  voiding within the time frame operation.
Champagne I/01Y
1. Create a SSR SPML (champagne) request with NN status in the PNR. 
2. Once request received by EK, KK status confirmation send back to the agents.      
Agents then issue the EMD and update EMD details to the PNR.
3.  EMD will be issued in FLOWN/USED status. Agent is required to contact EK local office  to open the coupon status for  Refund/exchange and voiding within the time frame operation.
Ticket Fees D/991
1. Agent creates new PNR or update the existing PNR with the new flight segment for EMD issuance.
2.  EMD will be issued in FLOWN/USED status. Agent is required to contact EK local office  to open the coupon status for  Refund/exchange and voiding within the time frame operation.
Arabian Adventures EMD I/01L & Emirates Holidays EMD I/01J 
1. EMD can be issued when PNR is already created by the agents. Exsiting process with agents. 
2.  EMD will be issued in FLOWN/USED status. Agent is required to contact EK local office  to open the coupon status for  Refund/exchange and voiding within the time frame operation.
Name Change Fee D/0L7
Please contact EK for EMD Voiding.