EMD-S Fact Sheet                  
Airline Name Air China (CA)    
Implementation Date 27Nov 2014     
 Description of fee RFIC RFISC Method Group EMD type ICW Refund Void Exchange  
Change Fee D 993 Manual SVC N/A EMD-S O N Y N
The date in the manual SVC segment should be the date of EMD Issurance 
To enter the fee description into the SVC segment, please do not include any spacing between the words. 
D/993  - Change Fee
1/ Agent creates new PNR or update the existing PNR with the new flight segment for EMD issuance.
2/ Create SVC segment into the PNR
3/ To issue EMD from the PNR
 1G and 1V :     >EMDI/SM1/IC9991234567890
1P :     >EMDI|SM2|IC9991234567890
1P SMARTPOINT :     >EMDI#SM2#IC9991234567890
P.S.  For other markets which have not been implemented with CA EMD-S, please charge the Change Fee under "OC" tax during ticket reissue.